The EU-Japan relations: Selected aspects

Objective: The aim of the paper is to prove that in a world where instability is increasing and security is reduced, the EU and Japan are fulfilling their obligation to bear special responsibility for the implementation of the common western values they represent.
Research Design & Methods: The research method is based on the critical review of literature and the analysis of source materials (the texts of the Agreements and official documents). We run a policy analysis. We examine the law as a tool for policy implementation (New International Legal Process). We draw conclusions based on them.
Findings: The EU-Japan Agreements confirm the community of values on which they are embedded and create conditions for strengthening these values.
Contribution & Value Added: The contribution is here that we show the importance of Agreements between the EU and Japan, which stems from both endogenous factors, resulting from economic and political potentials of the Parties; as well as from the exogenous factors, in the form of external determinants of cooperation, such as recent turbulence in US politics.
Author Biography
Andżelika Kuźnar
Associate professor, Ph.D. in economics. Works at the Institute of International Economics at the Collegium of World Economy in Warsaw School of Economics. Her research interests focus on international economics. She conducts research on international trade, trade policy, economic integration, and multinational corporations. In 2018 the Polish Economic Society (PTE) awarded her with the Prof. Edward Lipiński Award for the book “Międzynarodowy handel produktami wiedzy” in recognition of bringing new value to the achievements of economics.
Jerzy Menkes
Professor, Ll.D. Head of the Department of International Law and International Organizations at the Collegium of World Economy in Warsaw School of Economics. Author of textbooks, monographs, studies and articles on international law, international institutional law, human rights, European institutional law and international economic law. President of the Polish Branch of International Law Association (ILA).
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