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An overview on enterprise networks and company performance


Objective: This study elucidates the empirical review of enterprise networks on company performance.

Research Design & Methods: Enterprise networks are also referred to as corporate network which is among the major pillars of any business. The importance of enterprise networks cannot be far-fetched from or beyond its evolving supports through encapsulation of software applications, databases, for the purpose of achieving fully business goals.

Findings: The empirical covers the essence of enterprise networks, reasons for enterprise networking in company performance, formation of enterprise network, the management of enterprise network, and the interplay between enterprise network and company performance. It was concluded in the previous studies that performance of enterprise networks could entail enterprise network survival, profit maximization, sales maximization, return on investment, sales growth and a number of employees.

Contribution & Value Added: Hence, it is affirmed in this study that enterprise network performance is a set of financial and nonfinancial indices which offer information on the extent of achieving aim, objectives and better outputs of the enterprise network.


Enterprises growth, enterprise network, technology innovation, enterprise efficiency, enterprise performance


Author Biography

James Onuche Ayegba

M.B.A holder in management and PhD candidate in Department of Managements, Faculty of Management and Finance, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province. He specializes in strategic management, small and medium-sized enterprise (SME).

Zhou Lu Lin

PhD holder in economics and lecturer at the Department of Health and Economics Management Science and Engineering, Faculty of Management and Finance Professor. Zhou, specializes in Economics and international, economics and actively lectures and researches since 2001.


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