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Note from the Editor-in-Chief 5(1)


Our bilingual academic journal ‘International Entrepreneurship’ (IE) or ‘Przedsiębiorczość Międzynarodowa’ (PM), being published twice a year since 2015 (ISSN 2543-537X and eISSN 2543-4934), has just transformed into ‘International Entrepreneurship Review’ (IER). Starting from now, we will be a peer review open access academic journal being published quarterly. Furthermore, we will be fully available only online and this means that we have just stopped issuing the paper version of our journal. What is more, this is the last issue with the Polish language articles. All next issues will include articles only in English.

“International Entrepreneurship Review” (IER) is an academic journal published by the Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship in close cooperation with the Department of International Trade of Cracow University of Economics. The journal covers the results of research and exchange of experience related to the issues of both international microeconomics (firms as a research subject) and international macroeconomics (economy as a research subject), with particular emphasis on international entrepreneurship in various spatial systems of the global economy. It attempts to link theory and practice in different sections of economics and management by publishing various types of articles, including mainly research articles, but sometimes also conceptual papers and literature reviews. Our geographical scope of interests include Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and emerging markets, however we also welcome articles beyond this scope if they deal with our focus.

Starting from 2019 we decided not to publish thematic issues of our journal and not to divide articles into ‘Thematic Articles’ and ‘Other Articles’ sections. Currently, we decided to publish all articles on the first-come, first-served rule, regardless their topics, if they meet our aim and scope. It is worth reminding that IER accepts the articles from the following fields:

-    first of all, international entrepreneurship, but also,

-    international business,

-    international trade,

-    international economics,

-    international finance,

-    international integration,

-    international marketing,

-    international management,

-    and last but not least, entrepreneurship in general.

Currently, IER is indexed in numerous databases and we hope to develop and gain new indexing and abstracting possibilities. IER provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports
a greater global exchange of knowledge.

We do hope that the articles presented in this issue will inspire further research. Moreover, we would be happy to publish the results of future studies in the upcoming issues of our Journal. We invite you to participate in our academic conversation.

On the behalf of the Editorial Board, I would like to give my special thanks to all people involved in the editorial and publishing process, first of all to all authors and reviewers, but especially copy editors and proofreaders as well as the layout editor and the DTP specialist.



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