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A study of zero-waste behaviour in Polish consumers of cosmetic and personal care products


Objective: The objective of the article is to identify factors affecting zero-waste intentions and behaviour among consumers of cosmetic and personal care products in Poland.

Research Design & Methods: The research model framework was the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). In February and March 2022 in Poland, we surveyed 344 consumers. We analysed the results with structural equation modelling (SEM). We posited six research hypotheses. We confirmed four of them and falsified two.

Findings: The results showed that both attitudes and perceived behavioural control had a positive impact on zero-waste behavioural intentions regarding cosmetics and personal care products in Poland. On the other hand, the intentions were not affected by subjective norms or awareness of consequences. Regarding zero-waste behaviour, it is significantly determined by intentions and perceived behavioural control.

Implications & Recommendations: The article proposes recommendations for improving the acceptance of zero-waste-inspired innovation.

Contribution & Value Added: The article fills the research gap regarding the impact of zero waste on the implementation of the circular economy. The TPB model has been expanded with an additional construct awareness of consequences. Moreover, the study identifies factors that affect zero-waste intentions and behaviour in the cosmetics industry in Poland.


circular economy, sustainable cosmetics, zero-waste behaviour, theory of planned behaviour, structural equation modelling

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Author Biography

Iwona Zdonek

PhD, Assistant Professor of Silesian University of Technology, Department of Economics and Informatics, Faculty of Organization and Management. Her research interests include sustainable development. She has conducted research in CSR, technology of photovoltaic systems, sustainable tourism, and sustainable fashion. She also deals with issues of combining sustainable development with data science and project-based learning.

Beata Hysa

PhD, Assistant Professor of Silesian University of Technology, Department of Economics and Informatics, Faculty of Organization and Management. Her research interests include modern information technologies in Human Resource Management, social media, and methods of communication. She also deals with issues of combining sustainable development with digital technology.

Dariusz Zdonek

PhD, Assistant Professor at the Silesian University of Technology in Poland. His research interests include information and communication technologies (ICT). He has conducted research in digital maturity, internet technologies, quality of websites and motivation. He also deals with issues of combining sustainable development with ICT.


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