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Systematic literature review on the relation between export and economic growth



Objective: The objective of the article is to determine the current state of scientific production and dominant research trends in the relation between export and economic growth through bibliometric analysis.

Research Design & Methods: The article is a systematic literature review. The research method is based on quantitative and qualitative character. I used Vosviewer to conduct a bibliometric analysis. I conducted the research based on the newest publications from the period 2010 to 2023 from the Scopus database.

Findings: The researchers from the USA constitute the largest group focusing on the relation between ‘economic growth’ and ‘export’. Noteworthy, this topic is gaining increasing popularity across various countries, including China, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam. Over the years, the increase in the number of publications has been steady. However, the most dynamic increase occurred between 2018 and 2019. The article that scholars appreciated the most discussed the relation between economic growth and export in the broader context. The scholars found a positive relationship between economic growth and variables such as energy use, financial development, capital, exports, imports, and international trade. The findings of the bibliometric analysis show that the relation between export and economic growth occurs in five main topic areas, i.e. 1) regionalization and globalization, 2) international trade, 3) ‘green economy’, 4) macroeconomics indicators and export, 5) export/import, economic growth and FDI. Evidently, over the years, scholars increasingly treated this relation in the context of ‘green economy’ and sustainable development.

Implications & Recommendations: Although the topic is not new and many scholars have analysed it, the systematic literature review with the use of the advanced bibliometric tool (Vosviewer) was missing. Such a review might be useful for adjusting international law and rules to adapt to the latest detected trend. It is especially important in the context of a ‘green economy’ and suitable development. For future research, it is visible that currently, such a systematic review is missing. It seems to be worth analysing the biggest database, e.g. adding the Web of Science or analysis not only articles but also monographies. To analyse the content, I recommend using new tools such as artificial intelligence (AI).

Contribution & Value Added: The article’s added value consists of the updated and synthetic presentation of trends in the topics related to economic growth and export. The article enriched the current state of knowledge by including the latest articles which have been taking into consideration the most recent international trade conditions including the pandemic COVID-19 and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine which influence both the export and economic growth worldwide. It was done thanks to the help of an advanced bibliometric tool (Vosviewer).


economic growth, export, bibliometric analysis, systematic literature review, Scopus

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Author Biography

Karolina Kulińska

Master of International Economics (2015, Krakow University of Economics, Poland). Her research interests include international competitiveness, international business and international trade relations.


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