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Enhancing the relationship between firm’s green innovation and external knowledge flows: A review and research agenda


Objective: The objective of the article is to review the current literature on enhancing the relationship between the firm’s green innovation and external knowledge flows.

Research Design & Methods: This study adopts a systematic literature review approach. The articles reviewed were abstracted from Scopus and Web of Science as the main significant scientific indexing platforms. The scope of the review was not limited in time.

Findings: The review suggests that despite the novelty of the topic, the research on enhancing external knowledge flows for the firm’s green innovation raises a variety of issues. Among these, established cooperation, network cohesion, and resource flexibility are the most frequently studied areas in the field.

Implications & Recommendations: Despite previous studies on external knowledge flows for green innovation, the review indicates that there is still a need to further explore the issues related to enhancing the firm’s interactions with external partners for green innovation. This article provides further guidance to scholars by identifying potential future research avenues. In this context, to explore potential interdependencies, relevant future research could consider more cross-country and cross-regional aspects. More in-depth research on a single sector and a single type of external knowledge provider would also be valuable. The study also proposes to further improve the conditions for firms to strengthen external knowledge flows for green innovation.

Contribution & Value Added: This article adds to the existing knowledge on the drivers of firm innovation by reviewing the relevant literature on the links between the firm’s green innovation performance and external knowledge flows. Specifically, this review contributes to the field by providing insights into the enhancement of the relationship between external knowledge flows and the firm’ green innovation.


the firm’s green innovation, external knowledge flows, systematic literature review, Scopus, Web of Science

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Author Biography

Aleksandra Zygmunt

PhD in Economics; Assistant Professor at Opole University of Technology. Her research interests include firms’ innovation activities, knowledge transfer, and regional development.


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