Entrepreneurial ecosystem in a post-COVID-19 world: A systematic literature review

Objective: The objective of the article is to provide insights into focus areas and research directions within the context of the entrepreneurial ecosystem following the pandemic era.
Research Design & Methods: The article is a qualitative systematic literature review that collects and analyses the studies related to the subject matter written after COVID-19 using a systematic quantitative assessment technique (SQAT).
Findings: Evidence from the review strongly suggests that spatial context plays a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of entrepreneurial activities. This influence is particularly evident in how a localized network of actors and resources dynamically contributes to the evolution of cities, transforming them into vibrant hubs, which is conducive to entrepreneurship. In essence, the geographical environment in which the entrepreneurial efforts are rooted has a substantial impact on business growth and success.
Implications & Recommendations: This study is devoted to exploring the thematic shift in entrepreneurial ecosystem research during the review period. Initiatives that encourage innovation districts, technology clusters, and collaborative spaces should be encouraged to foster the growth of venture creation.
Contribution & Value Added: This review has contributed value by updating and presenting thematic aspects of research focus within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, particularly in the aftermath of the global health crisis.
entrepreneurial ecosystem, technology transfer office, university spin-offs, regional entrepreneurship, COVID-19
Author Biography
Zubairu Umar
Professor of Business at Arizona Western College in the United States of America, long-time educator and researcher. His research interests include leadership, entrepreneurial finance, and ethics.
Abdulwaheed Dauda
A senior lecturer in the Department of Entrepreneurship, Federal University of Technology, Minna (Nigeria). His research interests include family business, entrepreneurial ecosystem, and economics.
Kufre Hanson
A research student at the Department of Entrepreneurship, Federal University of Technology, Minna (Nigeria). His research interests include entrepreneurial ecosystems, entrepreneurial universities, and digital entrepreneurship.
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