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Gender in acceptance of augmented reality in e-commerce: An international perspective


Objective: The objective of the article is to answer research questions about the role of gender in the significance of factors (motives and risks) affecting the acceptance of augmented reality (AR) technologies by young international e-commerce consumers.

Research Design & Methods: The primary research method was a qualitative study based on six focus groups conducted in three economically, technologically, and culturally diverse countries: Poland, South Korea, and the United States. For the qualitative analysis, we used MAXQDA software.

Findings: Regarding the role of gender in impacting the motives and risks connected with consumers’ use of AR technology in online shopping decisions, gender differentiates both motivation and risks.

Implications & Recommendations: Regarding theoretical application, the findings show the significant role of gender and cultural factors as moderators in models concerning the acceptance of new technologies on the international market. Regarding the practical implications, it should be emphasised that adapting to the preferences of different demographic groups concerning gender can increase the effectiveness of marketing efforts and improve sales performance.

Contribution & Value Added: The study stands out because it analyses a combination of factors that indicate gender, young international consumers, and the acceptance of AR technology.


gender, augmented reality, young consumers, e-commerce, international markets

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Author Biography

Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat

Professor, Head of the Department of International Management, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland. Her research interests include new technologies in consumer behaviour, cross-cultural communication, and the cultural environment of international business.

Wiktoria Rakowska

PhD Candidate in the Department of International Management at Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland. Her research delves into understanding how consumers behave within the sharing economy and explores the variations in consumer behaviour influenced by cultural differences.


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