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Author Guidelines


1. All submitted texts are double-blind peer reviewed. A condition for publication of a text is a positive opinion of at least two reviewers confirmed by acceptance for publication by the Editorial Board.

2. The text submitted to "International Entrepreneurship Review" (IER) should not be published earlier or at the same time submitted to the editorial offices of other journals.

3. The author(s) shall submit, together with the text of the scientific article, an application for its publication free of charge and a declaration, which template is available on the journal's website. The author is obliged to send to the Editorial Office (fax, scanned document, traditional mail) a declaration of consent for free publication of the article in paper and electronic form (PDF) and indexing the abstract of the article in national and international databases with which the Editorial Office cooperates.

4. The articles must be up to 50 000 characters (including spaces as well as all necessary tables, figures, graphs and illustrations, the list of used references and any appendixes if needed). Articles not exceeding 50 000 characters are published free of charge, otherwise the article processing fee (APC) will be applied. 

5. Articles are accepted ONLY and ONLY via the OJS continuous electronic system:


Downlodable Files and Tools for Authors and Reviewers

1. Read our Guidelines for Authors carefully

2. Prepare the article in our IER template IN ENGLISH (*.doc, *.docx)

3. Copyright Transfer (*.doc, *.docx)

4. Internal Review (.pdf)

5. External Review (.pdf)

3. Bibliography must be prepared in accordance with the APA style.

4. The articles must be up to 50 000 characters (including spaces as well as all necessary tables, figures, graphs and illustrations, the list of used references and any appendixes if needed). Articles not exceeding 50 000 characters are published free of charge, otherwise the article processing fee (APC) will be applied. 


Guidelines in Brief

 The most important things to do in brief:

  1. The articles should be prepared in accordance with rules adopted by the Editorial Board. The editors reserve the right to reject texts not meeting these rules.
  2. Please read EASE Guidelines for Authors of Scientific Articles to be Published in English (version of July 2014).
    In Polish: Wskazówki EASE dla autorów artykułów naukowych publikowanych w języku angielskim (wersja z lipca 2014)
  3. During the submission process you will be asked for ORCID number! Otherwise we will not proceed your submission.
  4. Provide us with the Subject classification - EconLit Subject Descriptors - JEL codes in the OJS.
  5. The article must follow the required structure (file)
  6. Download, sign, and send copyright transfer statement (download here)


Reference Style / Bibliography

APA is used. Please follow APA Manual 6th Edition as of 2009 (272 pages of very detailed rules) - the whole manual can be downloaded from


Peer Review Process

All articles presented in "International Entrepreneurship Review" are peer reviewed. The process of accepting articles for printing is a multi-stage process:


After the submission of an article by an author to Open Journal Systems, it is subject to an internal review by at least one member of the Editorial Board using a single-blind review procedure. The aim of the initial review is to either accept the article for further processing or reject it at an early stage of the editorial process. In case of doubt, the article is critically reviewed by two members of the Editorial Board. After a positive decision, the article is submitted to an external review. The internal procedure is based on the principles of professional peer review.


After the initial acceptance of the article by the Editorial Office for further proceedings, it is subject to an external review by two external reviewers selected by the Editorial Office using a review procedure called Double-Blind Review (neither the reviewer nor the author know their identity, the data of the reviewer and the author are removed by the Editorial Board). The external review procedure also adheres to the principles of professional peer review.


The article is also subject to expert reviews, including statistical reviews (by the statistical editor) and technical editors (checking that the article is properly prepared for editorial purposes).


The article, together with an internal and external review, goes to the Issue Editor or the Editor-in-Chief, who makes a preliminary decision whether to qualify or reject the article. At the next meeting of the Editorial Board, all articles are discussed and qualified for publication. In cases of ambiguity, the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision.

Before submitting an article, please check if it meets the criteria set in the review: 


Evaluation Criteria in Review Forms

The evaluation criteria of the paper are as follows:


OBJECTIVE: Is the objective of the article proper? Is it met? Are the purpose and rationale for the article clearly stated?

NOVELTY: Is the research problem original and a kind of novelty or is it just the compilation of other studies? Does the article bring something new? Does the paper make a (significant) contribution to the research theme?  Did the Author explain in the introduction what is the originality and novelty of this article? If not, we cannot accept this article for publication.

WIDER RECOGNITION: We do NOT accept articles which are focused only on a small localisation (a town, a city or a region, which is beyond the scope of IER and which are not supported by a good theory review).


COMPREHENSIVE PRIOR LITERATURE: Are there appropriate and adequate references to related and previous work? Does the paper include a good review of literature in the researched field? Is the literature review comprehensive, complex and logic? Are there main important authors included?  Did the Author show the results of other researchers who have dealt with the same problem so far?  Were the previous research results identified in the article?  different options/perspectives from the literature covered in the reviewed article? Did the Author position himself/herself among the previous researchers?

HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT: Are the hypotheses "retrieved" from the prior empirical studies and prior literature? We suggest to put the hypothesis in the literature review section as the hypotheses should be developed and based on previous studies and the literature!

QUALITY OF LIETRATURE: Is only English-language literature used? Is the used litereature mainly from Web of Science and Scopus? What about the use of recent studies  inside  the references these published  for last five years?  


RESEARCH DESIGN: Please comment on the accuracy of the research procedure. Is the research design appropriate and the methods adequately described? Has the Author used the best methods available? Is the presentation of the research method accurate?

ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS: What research methods were used? Qualitative (in-depth interviews) or quantitative (correlations, regression)? Are they properly used? Is their application correct? Are they enough advanced for the scientific article? Please remember that EBER does NOT accept simple descriptive statistics only. Are the research hypotheses verified with appropriate statistical tests or econometric modelling?

DATA: Did the Author use reliable sources of data? Primary or secondary sources or data? Is the sample big enough? Is the sample representative? How was it selected?


EMPIRICAL RESULTS: Please comment on the description of the research analysis and findings. Is the reasoning sound? Has the Author given the appropriate interpretation of the data and references? Are the results discussed in details? Are the pieces of information used inside the paper comes from reliable sources (either written or various data bases)? What is the likelihood of passing the "test of time"?

SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION: The process of developing the argument in a manner that is understandable, logical and concrete, demonstrating the significance of the research results by placing them in a comparative context. Are the findings in the article compared to findings of other authors?


Is the language clear, concise and correct and does it use British English spelling? Maybe the article needs to be proofread by a native speaker and the Author should order such a service before its resubmission?


Formal aspects: Title, Content, Structure, Introduction, Conclusion and others.

Clarity of Content: Is the article well organized and comprehensively described?

Quality of Presentation: Are the results clearly presented and the conclusions supported by the results?


Evaluation of the statistical aspects of the article:

  • Choice of statistical methods
  • Proper application of statistical methods
  • Correctness of the results of calculations
  • Presentation of the results
  • Validity of the conclusions

Evaluation of the technical aspects of the article:

  • Tables - layout, correctness, quality
  • Figures (including graphs, schemes, illustration, maps etc.) - layout, correctness, quality
  • Sources for tables and figures [yes / no]
  • Sources for statistical data and citations [yes / no]
  • List of references / bibliography - according to the required style or not


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • NOT PUBLISHED: The submission has not been previously published (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor if publishing only in working papers, but generally we do not accept such situations).
  • TEMPLATE: The IER template has been used and the article includes a structed abstract and five main parts (Introduction, Literature review, Research methodology, Results and discussion, Conclusions).
  • ORCID: The ORCID number was provided on the last page of the article and was provided in the OJS system.
  • APA: The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal, especially the APA referencing style.
  • MS WORD: The submission file is in Microsoft Word (*.docx - preffered) document file format.
  • DOI: Where available, DOI numbers or URLs for the references have been provided.
  • GRAPHICS: All illustrations, figures and tables are camera ready and they can be reproduced, their quality is sufficient. I upload the editable source files for all graphics in the article.
  • JEL: Subject classification according to EconLit Subject Descriptors - JEL codes was provided in the OJS during the submission process.
  • BLIND: If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed. I upload two version of the article - a full version with author biographies and a blind version.
  • NOT IN ANOTHER JOURNAL: The submission has is NOT before another journal for consideration, nor will be submitted to another journal for consideration until the decision will be made in IER. Otherwise, the Author(s) of this submission will be put on the blacklist preventing any submission in the future.
  • ANTIPLAGIARISM: I am aware that my article will be checked for antiplagiarism by CrossCheck. If our system will detect the similarity of your text with other texts in various databases we will refuse to proceed with this article and if the plagiarism we will be significant will notify your employer.

Copyright Notice

1. The author agrees to publish his article free of charge in the journal "International Entrepreneurship Review" (IER) in the language of the above publication (English). The editorial staff reserves the right to shorten texts and to change titles.

2. The journal allows the authors to keep their copyrights (the copyright) in accordance with the license: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 from 2023 (since vol. 9, no 1). By the end of 2022 we published under Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0.

Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) only the final version of the article, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access). We advise to use any of the following research society portals:

- ResearchGate
- Selected Works
- Academic Search

Privacy Statement

Information duty on GDPR (in Polish: RODO):

The new European Data Protection Regulation is applicable as of May 25th 2018. The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – GDPR.

The administrator of your personal data is Krakow University of Economics, with registered office at ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland.

Privacy Policy

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.



Articles - Rejected from EBER (fast track)

Articles - Special Issue on Migrant Entrepreneurship