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Editorial 4(2)


Nowadays a belief that a new era has begun seems to be dominating international societies – the time of globalizing political problems and above all economic challenges is just happening. Observing the phenomenon of globalization taking place virtually in every aspect of life, one may see the overwhelming process of international growth resulting in richness and poverty in different corners of our globe. During the past couple of years, integration processes and co-dependency as well as correlations in world economy have become more and more significant. Also the development of worldwide access to the Internet contributed to accelerate the globalization process. Entrepreneurship seems to be a tool for eliminating disparities between regions in the world, that is why we what to dedicate this issue to international growth and entrepreneurship.

This issue includes 10 articles altogether, while the first six articles are dedicated to the theme of this issue, and the last four articles are published within the series ‘Student Debuts’.


Author Biography

Marek Maciejewski

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie


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