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Introduction 4(3)


Dear AIB-CEE Conference Attendees!

Welcome to Kraków for the 5th AIB-CEE Chapter Annual Conference dedicated to the main theme of “International Entrepreneurship as the bridge between International Economics and International Business”!

International entrepreneurship is a wonderous human activity, expression of our creativity and basic fuel of our development in the global context. The overarching aim of AIB-CEE conferences has been to promote and advance research on international business through meeting, research dissemination and cooperation of academics from different parts of the world. We believe we all have much to share and much to learn from each other. We hope this AIB-CEE conference will once again foster inspiring exchange between researchers and result in enhanced collaboration between our guests.

This conference is very special for two reasons. First, this year we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of our relatively young Chapter, so this is the fifth jubilee conference and we will celebrate with the Birthday Cake on Friday, so please DO NOT miss this opportunity. Second, this conference turned out to be the largest AIB-CEE annual meeting ever. This is thanks to You All that this year we have reached the following statistics:

  • 128 submissions;

  • 146 conference attendees from 31 countries;

  • and what is more attendees represent 6 continents (Australia, North America, South America;

  • Asia, Africa and Europe of course);

  • 127 reviewers who done altogether 283 reviews;

  • 13 editors;

  • as well as 32 supporting journals, including 3 impact factor journals, 7 SCOPUS journals and 22 regional international journals, what is more we have been supported also by a Palgrave series offered by Marin Marinov.

This is the 5th Anniversary so we will celebrate for 5 days (from Tuesday till Saturday). On Tuesday we will have a special working meeting of the AIB-CEE Executive Board with the representatives of the AIB Headquarters. The pure scientific feast is designed for three days (Wednesday – Friday). During the first day we start with an excellent keynote address delivered by esteemed professors from very different backgrounds and different parts of the world. On Wednesday we have the pleasure to invite all to a special session designed especially for these interested in publishing in top journals where we all will have a unique chance to learn from the best and discuss issues related to crafting articles for highly ranked journals with our keynote editors. The conference working sessions on Thursday embrace and illustrate the many faces of international business, especially international entrepreneurship. On Friday we will practice our new methodological skills, followed by AIB-CEE Chapter Development Session and Official

Celebration of 5th Anniversary! We are certain that you will find many occasions to engage in lively discussions during our various working sessions during these three days. On Saturday we provided the opportunities for additional social and tourist programs.

After a long conference day on Wednesday and Thursday, we cordially invite you to a time of integration and fine dining in Cracow Old Town, and for these of you who have no limits in integrating we offer additional social events. On Friday afternoon, after working sessions, we have planned a city tour for our guests. We want to share with you the many wonders of our city and hope you will discover and experience its unique atmosphere.

We want to thank all those who contributed to this event including the organizing committee team, volunteers, authors and our invaluable reviewers.

We wish you a fruitful and beneficiary stay in Cracow, a fascinating city where history and tradition meet with innovation and modern lifestyle. We trust 5th AIB-CEE Chapter Annual Conference will bring long lasting research insights, numerous opportunities for network and academic collaborations and, last but not least, many lasting memories to take home.



Krzysztof Wach

Conference Chair

AIB-CEE Chapter Vice-Chair for Program 2018


Kraków, September 2018



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