IT outsourcing as a factor for innovation development in small and medium-sized enterprises

Objective: The aim of the article is to present the innovative face of IT outsourcing based on a survey. The article shows how it influences the creation of various types of innovation. The article tries to determine whether IT outsourcing affects the stimulation of innovation in the area of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Silesian Voivodeship.
Research Design & Methods: Primary information was collected using the survey technique and the questionnaire interview. The main research technique was the postal questionnaire. The obtained empirical data were analysed using selected statistical methods (χ2 independence test).
Findings: Firms should be made aware of the advantages of outsourcing partnership in the field of IT in terms of creating innovation. A good practice in this respect would be to create a zone of redistribution of experience in implementing IT innovations.
Contribution & Value Added: The subject of the impact of IT outsourcing on the creation of innovation has not been widely discussed in the subject literature so far. This article attempts to fill that gap.
IT outsourcing, innovation, cooperation, outsourcing partners, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), business
Author Biography
Maria Kocot
Assistant professor at the University of Economics in Katowice (Poland) at the Department of Economic Informatics. PhD in economics (2009), Master of economics (2004). She is the author of scientific articles in the field of management and economics.
Damian Kocot
Assistant professor at the University of Economics in Katowice (Poland) at the Department of Economic Informatics. PhD in management (2011). He is the author of scientific articles in the field of management and economics.
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