High-Tech SMEs in the concept of intelligentorganizations: The reconstruction of the approach in the light of empirical research

The objective of this paper is to present the concept of intelligent organizations, which is nowadays believed to be the highest developed form of a company and to check if high-tech small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from Greater Poland region are run according to the concept of intellectual entrepreneurship. Verification whether the high-tech SMEs meet the criteria of intelligent organizations was tested on a sample 44 SMEs using a survey CATI tool. Data analysis consisted of comparing the values of three statistical measures (dominant, median, arithmetic average) of seventeen items. The survey results confirm that these enterprises base their actions on intellectual capital, which becomes the most important element of business management in the strategic perspective. Thus, their actions are consistent with the concept of intellectual entrepreneurship. The originality of this work lies in studying the concept of intellectual entrepreneurship taking into account companies from high-tech industry. Up till now companies from Greater Poland region were analysed just for their level of innovations, not intellectual capital. It is important to encourage more companies to be run according to the intellectual entrepreneurship concept due to unstable circumstances worldwide.
globalization, intellectual entrepreneurship, intelligent organization, human capital, social capital
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