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Elaborating on a new entrepreneur typology from the corporate governance perspective


Objective: This work aims to build a new entrepreneur typology in line with corporate governance approaches adopted by the enterprises and therefore to adequately implement public policy and strategy about entrepreneurship, since governance is an important basis for decision-making.

Research Design & Methods: To achieve the above objective, associations are established between entrepreneur types and corporate governance approaches via multiple correspondence analysis with grouping method for discretization and variable principal for normalization.

Findings: Findings highlight a new entrepreneur typology, which comprises four types of entrepreneurs with regard to corporate governance approaches. The new typology is as follows: structure-oriented shareholder; behaviour-oriented stakeholder; legal control oriented and economic-managerial control oriented.

Implications & Recommendations: This work has theoretical implications which reside in the need to use corporate governance for strategic modelling. It also has practical implications in that it is easier and more appropriate to make decisions from corporate governance approaches than from types of enterprises. Thus, enterprises and the state must take advantage of these implications to improve the entrepreneurship productivity.

Contribution & Value Added: This work conceives a new entrepreneur typology in line with corporate governance. Thus, it allows promoting strategic modelling based on corporate governance in business and public areas.


new entrepreneur typology, corporate governance approaches, strategic implications, ex-post typologies, multiple correspondence analysis

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Author Biography

Driss El Kadiri Boutchich

Professor-Researcher at the Higher School of Technology, Mohammed First University, Morocco. He is also Director of the research laboratory in Management and Development of Enterprises and Organizations. He has a PhD in applied economics and a graduate degree in management techniques. He is a reviewer in several international journals including SCOPUS indexed journals. Finally, he is the author of several scientific works in French and in English in journals including SCOPUS indexed journals, book chapters and proceedings.


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