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Conditions and challenges for Polish-Chinese trade cooperation in high-tech goods


Objective: The objective of this article is to discuss the contemporary conditions for Polish-Chinese cooperation in the area of trade in high-tech goods and to identify barriers to the development of cooperation between the two countries in order to achieve tangible economic benefits.

Research Design & Methods: This study is based on two research methods, which made it possible to obtain and analyse qualitative and quantitative data. The methods used included desk research of existing data and research in the form of individual in-depth interviews (IDIs). The desk research was carried out on the basis of data on the conditions for trade exchange, while the IDI survey was conducted on the basis of scenarios developed for this purpose, which were the basis for interviews with representatives of government.

Findings: The article presents research results on trade in high-tech goods with conclusions on the way forward. The result of the conducted research is the identification of the potential for the development of economic and political cooperation between Poland and China, which lies in the possibility of increasing trade in high-tech goods. This can be realised by increasing the involvement of Polish enterprises, especially start-ups, in export activities.

Implications & Recommendations: Poland and China have great potential for closer economic cooperation, which can bring economic benefits to each country.

Contribution & Value Added: The article compares quantitative data with qualitative data, which were obtained through in-depth interviews conducted with representatives of government administration.


Poland, China, trade, international cooperation, high-tech


Author Biography

Celestyna Miłoś

Master of International Economics (2021, Cracow University of Economics, Poland). Her research interests include corporate internationalisation strategies, international business management and international marketing.


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