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Navigating leadership challenges with technology: Uncovering the potential of ChatGPT, virtual reality, human capital management systems, robotic process automation, and social media



Objective: The article aims to examine the use of technology in leadership, and whether it can bring real advantages to leadership effectiveness.

Research Design & Methods: In this article, we provide a preliminary analysis of empirical research conducted among managers working in the USA, Japan, India, and France on technology use. The analysis was conducted on a country level.

Findings: We found that technology is an important issue, but the application of too many technological solutions is not effective for leaders. Analysis of non-technological solutions to overcome a constraint is necessary, especially in the long term.

Implications & Recommendations: The study was devoted to the use of new technologies by leaders in different countries. We examined technologies that have influenced present-day leadership and contemporary business in recent years. Without any doubt, new technologies such as ChatGPT will have an impact on the current leadership.

Contribution & Value Added: The article’s added value consists of the updated and synthetic presentation of the application of different technologies in leadership activities.


digital technologies, chatGPT, virtual reality, robotic process automation, social media, human capital management systems

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Author Biography

Paweł Korzynski

Associate Professor at Kozminski University (Poland). Habilitation in Management (2018), Ph.D. in Economics (2007). Visiting Fellow at Harvard University (2011-2013). His research interests include human resources management, leadership, and technology.

Andrzej Krzysztof Kozminski

Full Professor at Kozminski University (Poland). Professor of Economics (1976), Habilitation in Economics (1968), Ph.D. in Economics (1965). His research interests include management and leadership.

Anna Baczynska

Associate Professor at Kozminski University (Poland). Degree of Habilitated Doctor in Management (2019), Ph.D. in psychology (2007). Her research interests include leadership, managerial competencies, and determinants of success in business.


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