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Entrepreneurial intentions among female senior high school students in Ghana


Objective: The objective of the article is to understand entrepreneurial intentions among female high school students in Ghana using the theory of planned behaviour. Moreover, it investigates differences based on parental entrepreneurship background and academic specialization.

Research Design & Methods: We selected a sample of 1286 senior high school females across 20 schools in Ghana via convenience sampling. We gathered data through a structured questionnaire by Liñán and Chen (2009) and analysed it using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) post-screening.

Findings: The results revealed strengthened entrepreneurial intentions for females with parent role models compared to those without. Although all programs significantly impacted intentions, the business track exhibited the largest effect. Hypothesis testing confirmed the theory of planned behaviour’s core antecedents as significant drivers.

Implications & Recommendations: The findings can guide education policies and interventions aimed at strengthening female entrepreneurial intentions. However, future studies may consider more senior high or secondary schools in Ghana and other countries.

Contribution & Value Added: This research makes key contributions. For instance, it provides greater clarity on the motivational factors shaping Ghanaian female students’ orientations toward future entrepreneurship.


entrepreneurial intentions, Ghana, theory of planned behaviour, senior high school students, females

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Author Biography

Kwaku Amofah

Kwaku Amofah holds a PhD in Law and Business Administration from the University of Lleida, Spain. He is a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Distance Learning Centre at Sunyani Technical University, Ghana. His research interest include entrepreneurship, management, and strategic management.

Michael Gameli Dziwornu

Michael Gameli Dziwornu holds a PhD in Urban Studies from the University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy. He is a Research Scientist at the Institute for Scientific and Technological Information (INSTI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Accra, Ghana. His research interests include economic geography, sustainable development, crime geography, and entrepreneurship.

Tomasz Rachwał

Tomasz Rachwał, PhD, is a Professor of Economics and Economic Geography at the Department of International Trade of the Krakow University of Economics (KUE), Poland. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship of KUE. He is a member of the editorial board of journals in the field of entrepreneurship and economic geography. His research interests include entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial intentions of young people, the role of entrepreneurship in the development of local and regional systems, and socio-economic geography.

Ramon Saladrigues

Ramon Solé Saladrigues, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Financial Economy and Accounting at the University of Lleida, Spain. His research interests include economic and financial indicators, European convergence international accounting and accounting reform, entrepreneurship and business creation and university analytical accounting.

Fred Fosu Agyarko

Fred Fosu Agyarko is a doctoral student in Statistics at the University of Ghana, Legon. He is also a Statistician at the Institute for Scientific and Technological Information (INSTI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Accra, Ghana. His research interests include statistics of extremes, longitudinal data/repeated measures, and mixed models/random-effects models.


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