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Virtual management during the Covid-19 era: Changes in leadership and management



Objective: The objective of the article is to understand the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the management style and the relationship between managers and subordinates.

Research Design & Methods: We used a mixed-method combining a qualitative part based on 20 semi-structured interviews as well as a quantitative part based on a questionnaire intended to confirm the observed trends more precisely. All data were analyzed using the grounded theory method.

Findings: The analysis of the data shows an irreversible evolution towards a more frequent use of home-office. This situation, welcomed very positively by the leaders, requires however to review the way of operating of the managers as well as the interaction between managers and their subordinates.

Implications & Recommendations: We are entering a new phase of management, during which managers will have to create a closer relationship with subordinates, concretely entering the role of manager coach.

Contribution & Value Added: This research provides access to the vision that top managers have of the impact of the Covid-19 crisis. Despite many problems, they retain the interest of having accelerated the transition to home-office and remote management while beginning to question the concrete implications of this situation.


Management, Covid-19, leadership, virtual teams, change management, home-office, remote management

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Author Biography

Vincent Montenero

PhD, professor at the Masaryk Institute of Advanced Study (MIAS) of the Czech Technical University (CTU) where he also holds the position of International Student Counselor. He spent more than 25 years in the corporate sector, holding senior managerial positions in international groups in several countries (France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany). He is also an Associate Researcher at CEFRES (French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences) in Prague and an active member of the Czech-French Chamber of Commerce and the Czech-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAMIC). His research interest includes intercultural and international management, in general the mode of operation of managers and their teams in an international context.

Cristina Cazorzi

PhD, helding several managerial positions in the corporate sector. Since 2020 she has been working full time as the Operational Manager for EMEA and QUEBEC for an American Big Group. In 2008, she prepared a MASTER’s in Cross cultural management and defended a PHD in Science of Organization and Management. Her main interests include cross culture, change and crisis management. Since 2012, she has been publishing several articles and books on these arguments. Besides her professional and research activities, Cristina is a tutor at NEOMA Business School in France, helping students during their internships in enterprises or during their apprenticeship.


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