Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and students’ entrepreneurial intentions

Objective: The objective of the article is to verify the relationship between power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and entrepreneurial intentions among university students according to Hofstede’s national culture dimensions.
Research Design & Methods: The study sample comprised 226 Polish students, whom we asked questions related to two of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, i.e. power distance and uncertainty avoidance. We developed binomial logistic regression models and tested the hypothesis based on the estimated parameters of these models in the subsequent step.
Findings: The study showed that individuals with weak uncertainty avoidance are more likely to start their own businesses compared to those with strong uncertainty avoidance.
Implications & Recommendations: The research findings indicated that traits associated with a culture of weak uncertainty avoidance promote the emergence and growth of entrepreneurial intentions. Therefore, in terms of education aimed at fostering entrepreneurial behaviour, we recommend cultivating these attributes within society by focusing the educational process on training creative leaders, individuals with strong mental resilience, and those willing to compete and enhance the world around them.
Contribution & Value Added: The article addresses the research gap concerning cultural factors influencing entrepreneurial development, emphasizing the necessity for further research using larger and internationally comparative samples.
entrepreneurial intentions, Hofstede, entrepreneurial determinants, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, entrepreneurship education
Author Biography
Krystian Bigos
Assistant Professor at Krakow University of Economics, Department of International Trade at College of Economics, Finance and Law. His research interests include early and rapid internationalisation, international start-ups, and international entrepreneurship.
Paweł Milka
Teaching Assistant at Krakow University of Economics, College of Economics, Finance and Law. His research interests include international financial markets, investments, hedging instruments, international transport, international e-business.
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