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The impact of renewable energy sources on generating jobs: The case of Poland


Objective: The aim of the article is to identify and assess the impact of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) on job creation.

Research Design & Methods: The study offers an overview of an empirical nature. A review of pertinent literature allows the author to identify, classify, and summarize the most recent scientific reports, both theoretical and empirical, with regard to that particular area of enquiry. Relying on the methodology of systematic literature review, it has been possible to distinguish a database of scientific studies (Scopus, Research Gate, and Google Scholar databases) and studies-reports by, e.g. ILO, IRENA, REN21, EurObserv’ER, Eurostat and Statistics Poland; most applicable studies were subsequently selected to be analysed and verified in terms of their usefulness for further research. The empirical part of the article includes tabulated figures showing employment changes for particular RES technologies and by means of three basic parameters, it illustrates the condition of the labour market in Poland. The strength and direction of the relationship between the analysed variables were computed using Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient.

Findings: A review and study of relevant literature yielded synthetic knowledge concerning the impact of renewable energy sources on job creation. The research demonstrated a positive correlation between the number of employed in RES and the activity rate, as well as the employment rate while displaying a negative correlation with the unemployment rate.

Implications & Recommendations: Using up-to-date assessments of job opportunities resulting from the energy transition should inspire politicians and energy sector managers to develop integrated energy, environmental, and labour market policies aimed at sustainable development and job creation in the green economy.

Contribution & Value Added: A critical review of the literature on the subject and the presented results of empirical research enrich knowledge on the impact of renewable energy on employment and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. Updated knowledge allows for a better understanding of the relationship between employment and national renewable energy policy.


energy transition, renewable energy sources, renewable energy, labour market, employment, unemployment

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Author Biography

Magdalena Wysocka

Assistant Professor at the Department of Economic Policy, Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). PhD in Economics (2016, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland). Her research interests include the labour market, Corporate Social Responsibility and Industry 4.0.


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