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Standardisation versus adaptation in international marketing of Polish companies operating in foreign markets: The case of Maspex


Objective: The article examines the application of standardisation, adaptation, and glocalisation strategies in international marketing, with Maspex Group serving as a case study. It analyses how Polish firms, exemplified by Maspex, navigate the challenges of foreign market expansion through these strategic approaches and evaluates their implications for organisational performance and brand perception.

Research Design & Methods: We employed a case study methodology combined with a literature review. Data sources included corporate reports, promotional materials, and academic publications. We critically analysed key dimensions of international marketing, i.e., product, promotion, distribution, and pricing, and to assess strategic choices.

Findings: Maspex Group effectively combines standardisation (e.g., brand messaging) with adaptation (e.g., localized promotional campaigns), implementing a glocalised approach. This strategy enhances brand recognition while meeting local consumer needs.

Implications & Recommendations: Polish firms aiming for internationalisation should adopt a flexible glocalisation strategy, balancing efficiency through standardisation and responsiveness through adaptation. Investments in digital tools and cultural insights are critical for success.

Contribution & Value Added: This article contributes to the field of international marketing by presenting a practical case of how a Polish company has successfully navigated the balance between standardisation and adaptation, offering actionable insights for firms in similar contexts.


standardisation, adaptation, glocalisation, international marketing strategies, Maspex

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Author Biography

Paweł Milka

Research and Teaching Assistant at Krakow University of Economics, College of Economics and Finance, Department of International Trade. His research interests include international financial markets, investments, hedging instruments, international transport, and international e-business.

Jakub Garncarz

Research and Teaching Assistant at Krakow University of Economics, College of Economics and Finance, Department of International Trade. His research interests include international entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligence.


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