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Entrepreneurial orientation and innovation intensity: A synthetic literature review



Objective: This article reviews the empirical findings directly or indirectly linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Innovation Intensity in the period 2008-2018. It also investigates the fuzzy concept of Innovation Intensity and suggests some research avenues in the future.

Research Design & Methods: The research method is based on critical and synthetic literature review. In a three-steps process, relevant papers were identified and classified. These samples were then analyzed and put into a perspective of the explaining then linking the concepts of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Innovation Intensity. Based on that, recommendations for future research are presented.

Findings: Although many studies insinuate a positive relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Innovation Intensity, there is no empirical research specifically targeting this link. The main reason seems to be a lack of clarity around the concept of “Intensity” itself.

Contribution & Value Added: This study introduces a conceptualization of Innovation Intensity based studying the extant literature. Furthermore, it is good starting point for scholars interested in clarifying the concept of Innovation Intensity or/and determining the nature of relationship linking this latter and Entrepreneurial Orientation.


entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial orientation, innovation intensity, degree of innovation, internationalization


Author Biography

Nizar M. Benazzouz

Master in IT management (Engineering School of Telecom ParisTech, France); International Master in Business Administration (Sorbonne University, France). Currently working as digital portfolio manager within an SME. His research interests include innovation management and international entrepreneurship


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