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The concepts of strategy and business models in firm internationalization research: Towards a research agenda


Objective: To discuss concepts of strategy and business models and reflect upon their commonalities and mutual relationships. Discussion about usage of both concepts with regard to the international expansion decisions.

Research Design & Methods: The article is based on the literature studies.

Findings: Some of the dimensions of both concepts, including the operating modes, choice of products or markets, are common to both concepts. However, internationalisation appears to be an integral part of corporate-level strategy which defines the directions of long-term firm development, including the geographic dimension. Thus, considering different geographic commitments as partly independent, one can assume that while the entire firm has a business model as a whole, there can also be varieties of business models within the same organisation, which are a consequence of its growth, particularly internationalisation.

Contribution & Value Added: Internationalisation research can also contribute to the stream on business model innovation, as the internationalisation of a firm’s operations can be regarded as an organisational innovation in itself. A business model innovation requires a firm to timely and effectively identify and anticipate relevant developments in its constantly changing environment. The initiative to innovate an established business model has been identified as highly challenging due to its complexity and a range of barriers, particularly widespread inertia.


Strategy, business models, internationalization, international com-petitiveness, international business


Author Biography

Marian Gorynia

Full Professor at Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland). His research interests include foreign direct investment, firm internationalisation, industral economics, economic policy.

Piotr Trąpczyński

Associate Professor at Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland). His research interests include firm internationalisation, international strategies, international entrepreneurship.

Szymon Bytniewski

PhD Student at Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland). His research interests include internationalization, business models, international competitiveness, international business, globalization.


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