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The main tendencies of higher education in Ukraine in the context of the current challenges of European integration



Objective: This article is aimed at revealing the main tendencies in the field of higher education in Ukraine. The object of analysis is the changes in the structure of the system of higher education.

Research Design & Methods: The article uses an institutional approach, which allowed to study the influence of non-economic factors on the structure of higher education and student migration.

Findings: The research finding suggest that the main trends in the system of the higher education in Ukraine are: the domination of the share of state-owned educational institutions in the structure of educational institutions; reduction of the share of expenditures for higher education in the amount of total expenditures; the domination the share of social science, business and right in the structure of higher education; the general tendency to reduce the number of students studying in Ukraine also took place among foreign students.

Implications & Recommendations: The system of higher education in Ukraine should be: a dynamic, flexible, adaptive, efficient system capable of adapting and converging in the context of European integration. It needs: updating of the legislative, adequate time requirements, creation and provision of opportunities for implementation of various educational models, educational institutions of different types and forms of ownership; introduction of mechanisms of institutional development in the activities of universities; intensification of international etc.

Contribution & Value Added: The proposals developed may be useful for improving educational policy, forming a strategy, making managerial decisions in HEIs.


education, institution, student, system, Ukraine, university


Author Biography

Maryna Skyba

Associate Professor of the Department of Management


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