Risk insights vs. competences in managing multicultural teams in Poland

Objective: The objective of this study was to obtain in-depth understanding of the concept of necessary competences, which could ensure effective work in multicultural organisations based on different risks, which can occur in practice.
Research Design & Methods: The authors made in-depth literature review in order to identify and to understand the possible risks that can occur in multicultural organisations and the behaviours of staff related to the risks identified. Afterwards, the authors made interviews with 30 people from multicultural organisations in order to finally present a qualitative analysis, which aimed at identifying and comparing competences, which seem to be necessary in order to work effectively in multicultural organisations.
Findings: Based on the feedback from the target groups, it turned out that the respondents admitted that it is necessary to have specific competences, which could support effective works in the multicultural organisation.
Contribution & Value Added: The core input is that the results of the study are not be only the subject of theoretical considerations, but they can be implemented in practice in the form of a dedicated training.
multiculturality, cultural risk, cultural competences, intercultural management, cultural awareness of staff
Author Biography
Ludmiła Walaszczyk
Ph.D. (2015) in Management from the Warsaw University of Technology. Since 2005 she has worked in the Strategy Innovation Department in the LUKASIEWICZ Research Network - Institute for Sustainable Technologies in Radom. Her scientific interests concern business models aspects, the multiculturality in the organisations and the relations between the entrepreneurs and local and regional authorities.
Remigiusz Mazur
Early Stage Researcher in the LUKASIEWICZ Research Network - Institute for Sustainable Technologies in Radom, Poland. His research interests comprise innovation management, foresight, cross-cultural management, international affairs, future-oriented learning methods, and use of new technologies in training methods.
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