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Mediating factors influencing the capacities of enterprise network performance



Objective: The study examined the mediating factors influencing the capacities and performance of enterprise network using some food and beverages enterprises in Lagos, Nigeria.

Research Design & Methods: Primary source of data was employed in the study. The data collected from five hundred and thirty nine (539) respondents was analysed with the use of factor analysis which brings out the beauty and reality of the study. Six hundred and fifty seven (657) middle and top level management staff of six food enterprises and beverage enterprises particularly the manufacturing ones through a purposive sampling technique.

Findings: When the original ten variables were analyzed, four variables were extracted from the analysis with eigenvalues greater or equal to 1, which explained 36.414 percent of the entire variance. Hence, the mediating factor influencing the capacities of enterprise network performance is Strategic Decision-Making Capacity (SDMC), Technological Capacity (TC), Efficiency Enterprise Capacity (EEC), and Complexity in Technology or Technological Turbulence (TT).

Contribution & Value Added: Finally, factors influencing the capacities of network performance are Strategic Decision Making Capacity (SDMC), Technological Capacity (TC), Efficiency Enterprise Capacity (EEC), and Complexity in Technology or Technological Turbulence (TT). The result of the study is essential because of its significant contribution to the body of knowledge and literature regarding strategic management.


mediating factors, capacities, enterprise network, performance, foods and beverages


Author Biography

Zhou Lu Lin

PhD holder in Economics and lecturer at the Department of Health and Economics Management Science and Engineering, Faculty of Management and Finance Professor. Zhou, specializes in Health Economics and international, economics and actively lectures and researches since 2001.

James Onuche Ayegba

M.B.A holder in management and PhD candidate in Department of Managements, Faculty of Management and Finance, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province. He specializes in small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) and economics and actively lectures as graduate teaching assistant (GTA) and researches since 2017.


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