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The role of university in influencing the entrepreneurial intention of university students


In this paper we identify the factors of university student entrepreneur’s entrepreneurial motivations, and we check the nature of the relationship of these factors with university level entrepreneurship education characteristics. The 2016 data of the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey was used for the tests in the four Visegrad countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. We define five factors of entrepreneurial motivation: Customer focus, Social mission, Collective/community goals, Individual goals and Competition/market focus. Entrepreneurship education characteristics are weakly correlated with some of these factors. The strongest relationship can be detected in case of Competition/market focus. Our findings suggest that university level entrepreneurship education in the Visegrad region might influence the analytical skills of young entrepreneurs, but the social and community mission of the student entrepreneurs are less developed. We conclude that entrepreneurship education should focus more on the development of these intrinsic motivations.


entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurship education, GUESSS, student entrepreneurship, Visegrad countries



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