Labour market situation of Ukrainian migrants in Wielkopolskie Voivodeship: The skills mismatch perspective

Objective: The main purpose of the present article is to analyse the situation of Ukrainian migrants in the Greater Poland (Wielkopolskie Voivodeship) labour market with a particular focus on the skills (mis)match and to identify factors contributing to it.
Research Design & Methods: The study focused on the Ukrainian immigrants employed in the Voivodeship of Greater Poland at the time of the survey. The research sample included 429 individuals. I used logistic regression to estimate the impact of selected factors on the occurrence of a skills mismatch.
Findings: The analysis revealed that different factors may contribute to the occurrence of various types of skills mismatch (related to education, occupation, and industry). This means that the skills mismatch is a complex phenomenon and further research is needed to explore its nature and determinants.
Implications & Recommendations: Addressing a skills mismatch among migrant workers requires a multifaceted and tailored approach that takes into account specific factors contributing to different types of skills mismatch and unique needs and profiles of different migrant groups.
Contribution & Value Added: The study adopts a broader approach and distinguishes between three different types of skills mismatch, highlighting the importance of analysing the determinants that contribute to each of these, and proposing some practical implications for local policies and organisations.
skills mismatch, immigrant workers, war refugees, labour market, Greater Poland
Author Biography
Olena Shelest-Szumilas
PhD in Economics (2017, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland); Assistant Professor at the Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poland). Her research interests include migration and integration, the labour market and economics of education.
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