Determinants of female entrepreneurship in male- and female-dominated sectors in selected European countries

Objective: Female entrepreneurship rates vary strongly across countries and industries. The aim of this paper is to verify what determines female entrepreneurship in male-dominated industries and female-dominated industries and whether the differences between those types of sectors are significant.
Research Design & Methods: We use panel data across 7 European countries in the timespan of 2009-2018 to verify our assumptions. We study the Construction (NACE F) and Human Health and Social Work Activities (NACE Q) industries.
Findings: The research shows significant differences amongst the determinants of female entrepreneurship in male-dominated and female-dominated industries. Industry-specific determinants play an important role in male-dominated industries and a much lesser role in female-dominated ones.
Contribution & Value Added: The conducted research indicates the necessity of including the industry-perspective in studies on female entrepreneurship. Previous studies have frequently neglected this aspect, paying more attention to country-specific determinants.
Female entrepreneurship, gender gap, male-dominant industries, female-dominant industries, labour market segmentation
Author Biography
Katarzyna Mroczek-Dąbrowska
Associate Professor of economics at the Poznan University of Economics and Business. She is the author or co-author of over 60 publications, her research includes areas of international business, institutional economics, transaction costs and uncertainty.
Aleksandra Gaweł
Professor of economics at the Poznan University of Economics and Business. She is the author or co-author of over 120 publications, her research includes areas of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial education, innovation, business cycle, labour market, and regional development.
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