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Determining factors of international opportunity recognition: A conceptual approach


Objective: The objective of the article is to advance theoretical knowledge on international opportunity recognition by establishing a conceptual model with particular focus on answering why and how some entrepreneurs identify international opportunities (IOs).

Research Design & Methods: This conceptual paper relies on qualitative and explorative research through literature review methodology. The analysis of available literature leads to the formulation of seven theoretical propositions.

Findings: The findings allow us to establish why and how some entrepreneurs recognize IOs, by indicating that prior international knowledge and experience, international entrepreneurial alertness, entrepreneurial creativity and entrepreneurial passion are the determining factors.

Contribution & Value Added: This research integrates in a single conceptual model various factors that have been studied separately. The influence of all these factors simultaneously and the interaction between them seeks to explain why and how an entrepreneur identifies IOs.


International opportunity recognition, prior international knowledge, prior international experience, cognitive characteristics, conceptual model


Author Biography

Eduardo Terán-Yépez

Research Technician and PhD Student at the University of Almeria (Spain). His research interests include international entrepreneurship, business internationalization, foreign trade, international marketing and sustainable entrepreneurship. He has published in journals such as Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, and Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. He has been a reviewer in journals such as PlosOne and Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

Andrea Guerrero-Mora

Independent researcher. Master in Foreign Trade and Business Internationalization from the University of Cordoba (Spain) & Master in Business Economics and Management from the University of Almeria (Spain). Her research interests include entrepreneurship, international trade, managerial innovation and organizational innovation.


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