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Students’ quality of life before and during the Covid-19 pandemic: A comparative analysis using multidimensional inventory of students’ quality of life



Objective: This article aims to describe and compare students’ quality of life (QOL) in Poland before and during the Covid-19 pandemic using a multidimensional inventory of students’ quality of life (MIS-QOL).

Research Design & Methods: The article shows the results of a study conducted among university students from Poland. The number of participants was N2019=184 and N2021=287. Within the exploratory approach, we analysed fourteen dimensions of the students’ QOL using various tools, including general descriptive statistics as well as Student’s t-test, correlation, and clustering analysis.

Findings: Evidence from previous research indicates that the Covid-19 pandemic impacted QOL also among university students. The article shows the most vulnerable areas of life possibly affected by the pandemic situation.

Implications & Recommendations: The research confirmed that the students’ QOL increased in terms of finance, relationships with partners, and volunteering and decreased in areas such as health, free time, and technology. Importantly, students were aware of the decrease only in the context of technology and perceived other dimensions in the same way as before the pandemic.

Contribution & Value Added: We distinguished the most suitable actions for keeping student’s quality of life at a high level. The results may be beneficiary for managers, universities, and students.


quality of life, Covid-19, pandemic, technology, finance


Author Biography

Małgorzata Ćwiek

Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at the Krakow University of Economics. Author of over thirty scientific articles. The main area of her research concerns broadly understood living conditions. These include, in particular, an examination of the level and diversity of income, based on empirical and theoretical distributions, income inequality, poverty, housing conditions, and quality of life.

Robert Szydło

Assistant Professor at the Department of Labor Resource Management at the Krakow University of Economics, MA in Management and Psychology. In his PhD thesis (defended in 2022), he discusses the issue of shaping the employability of graduates of economic universities in Poland. His scientific interests focus on the use of psychology in human resources management. He conducts research on competences, employee development, employability, and gamification. He has been involved in the activities of non-governmental organizations and scientific circles for years.

Małgorzata Tyrańska

Associate Professor at the Krakow University of Economics, habilitation in management science. Her research interests include employment restructuring, organizational structure improvement, job evaluation, competency profile assessment, and employee evaluation. Since 2015, she has been a member of the experts’ team for the evaluation of projects implemented as part of European programs.

Sylwia Wiśniewska

Assistant Professor at the Department of Labour Resources Management, Krakow University of Economics; PhD in economics in the discipline of management sciences. Research interests include employability, sustainable employability, competencies, and quality of life. She collaborates with business practices and non-governmental organisations as an expert.

Katarzyna Wójcik

Employee of the Department of Computational Systems at Krakow University of Economics; MSc from the Krakow University of Economics in the field of Computer Science and Econometrics. Her research interests include data mining, text mining, opinion mining, competencies analysis, quality of life analysis, and widely defined data analysis.


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