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Opportunities and threats in the self-navigating organisation management



Objective: The objective of the article is to identify and analyse the stages of the implementation of the principles making up the foundation for creating self-navigating organisations. Moreover, we analysed some areas of managing a company, related to the responsibility for decision-making processes in the strategic management of an organisation. We did it in the circumstances of a significant increase in staff participation in the company’s activity.

Research Design & Methods: For the preparation of the case study, we used a qualitative method (participant observation, individual interview, partly categorized). Before initiating the proper research, we analysed the source information and data characterising the company and its activity, which were available both on the official websites of the company and also presented in the company information channels (company data, interviews with the members of the management, current information on the company activity). This allowed us to identify the company management method and the factors which generate the development of Sente SA. Further, this information has become the basis for the preparation of an interview questionnaire (see Appendix) which was intended to study the effect of the shared responsibility and participation principles applied in the company on the management of the company’s strategic dimension in the context of an increase of the company’s ability to self-navigate.

Findings: From the moment of the company’s implementation of the management elements involving self-management and shared responsibility (including empowerment), financial results have significantly improved which was accompanied by an increase in a sense of responsibility for the company’s objectives, achievements, and strategy among the company’s staff.

Implications & Recommendations: The presented analysis of the process of implementing changes in the company’s management and the stages of this process, as well as the identification of the limitations and challenges faced by the company management make up an important guideline for other researchers and practitioners in managing organisations who plan to further explore the problems described here or to change the manner of their company’s operation and development by means of implementing teal management elements. Thanks to the practical example, performed analysis and the formulated guidelines, the challenges for the actions aiming at the increase of the potential of other organisations in the area of self-navigation and necessary changes in the process of strategic management, and the period necessary for an organisation to adapt to these changes will be shorter and more effective.

Contribution & Value Added: The article presents practical systematic principles and individual steps of implementing empowerment in the organisation and the stages of involving employees in the co-responsibility for the development of the organisation.


strategic area management, strategy in contemporary organisations, empowerment, accountability, self-management, leadership, strategic management in the IT sector


Author Biography

Krzysztof Machaczka

PhD in Management (2005), Habilitated Doctor in Management (2019), Associate Professor of Krakow University of Economics, the Department of International Management, the Director of the Department of Brand and Communication of Krakow University of Economics. His research interests include company strategy, values, and organisational culture.

Maciej Stopa

Doctoral student at Krakow University of Economics, Poland (since 2019). He is also a coach, real estate broker and manager and also a theologian (MSc). His research interests include the management of organisational culture, new forms of management, including teal organisations and management through values. His professional activity involves commercial real estate; he is employed at the post of the director of the real properties department in one of the Polish nationwide commercial networks.


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