Intrapreneurial competencies and firms’ growth: The mediating effect of perceived organizational support

Objective: The objective of this article is to determine the relationship between intrapreneurial competencies (IC) (i.e. opportunity promoter, proactivity, flexibility, business drive, and risk assumption) and organizational growth (OG) and to test the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS).
Research Design & Methods: A simple random sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 408 employees from 34 small manufacturing firms. We analyzed the influence of IC on OG through a parallel mediation involving POS.
Findings: The results show that POS mediates the path through which opportunity promoter, proactivity, flexibility, drive, and risk assumption impact OG.
Implications & Recommendations: IC fosters OG, particularly with high POS by employees. Thus, employers must identify and strengthen factors that support employees to improve their abilities and enhance OG.
Contribution & Value Added: The findings of this study highlight the importance of IC in fostering OG, particularly when employees perceive that they are valued by the organization and that their well-being is of importance to the organization.
intrapreneurial competencies, perceived organizational support, organizational growth, intrapreneurship, entrepreneurial behaviours
Author Biography
Helen Okwor
PhD Candidate. Her research interests include entrepreneurship, strategic management, organizational behaviours, and human resource management.
Anastasia Ogbo
Professor of Management. Her research interests include management, business, entrepreneurship, innovation, strategic planning, business development, human resource management, economic development, and business management.
Vitalis Ndu
PhD Candidate. His research interests include strategic management, strategic planning, and human resource management.
Chukwuemeka Christian Onwe
Doctor of Management. His research interests include entrepreneurship, strategic management, organizational behaviours, and operational research.
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