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Competitiveness profiles of manufacturing mesostructure


The objective of this article is assessment of competitiveness and identification of manufacturing mesostructure characteristics in Poland in 1990–2017. The analysis is presented in the context of an assessment of transformation effects in the countries of Central Europe (CEB, SEE) with regard to structural changes and macroeconomic competitiveness. The author’s own research concerned 14,000 enterprises (full test, whole group of enterprises included in the public statistics in Poland) and concerned mesostructure development phases, changes of PKD divisions, the focal point way, objects classification and comparative analysis of submesostructure profiles. The research includes synthetic (multivariate) competitiveness measures. The measurement concerned the synthetic measure, its two partial measures (productiveness of labour and export productiveness of costs) and its factors (unit costs and efficiency of labour and intensity of export activity and general effectiveness). The value of the conducted research is its uniqueness – the analysis concerns all enterprises covered by public statistics and included in the manufacturing mesostructure of the Polish economy. This is the first research of this type in Poland. An important added value is the constructed model of factor analysis of the competitiveness and variability of the mesostructure and its profiling in terms of the size classes of enterprises. This is the first model to be used in the assessment of competitiveness at the mesoeconomic level of the countries undergoing transformation in Central Europe.


competitiveness, productivity, mesostructure



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