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The Belorussian IT sector as a panacea for the shortage of specialists in the labour market of selected post-communist countries


Objective: The objective of the article is to analyse the status of IT specialists in the labour market of selected post-communist countries: Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine.

Research Design & Methods: The article used own calculations made based on available statistical data from the World Bank, European Commission, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Belstat, Ukrstat, and UNCTAD. A descriptive method was also used, as well as deductive reasoning, studying the literature of the subject, and analysis of source texts.

Findings: The article demonstrates that despite the difficult socio-political situation and the deteriorating condition of the Belorussian economy, IT specialists from this country can be a panacea for staff shortages in the labour market in neighbouring countries, i.e. in Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic States. The article also analyses the offers of the above-mentioned post-communist countries that received migrants from the Belorussian IT industry.

Implications & Recommendations: We show that Poland has significant economic potential (and economic ties) in terms of incentives for employees of the Belarusian IT sector. The potential of the rest of the studied countries is in total comparable to that of the Republic of Poland – compared with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine. Relocation of Belarusian IT specialists may contribute to the improvement of competitiveness and innovation of the host countries.

Contribution & Value Added: The interest of the countries neighbouring Belarus in the process of encouraging Belarusian IT specialists to emigrate from their homeland has been confirmed and there are very few studies on similar topics in the literature. Moreover, the conclusions drawn from the conclusions of the study may serve as recommendations for specific actions at the government level.


IT sector, post-communist countries, Belarus, Poland, competitiveness and innovation

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Author Biography

Zofia Gródek-Szostak

PhD. Assistant professor in the Department of Economics and Business of the Krakow University of Economics. Author of papers on public financing of investments and R&D works and on implementing innovative solutions in enterprises.

Karolina Kotulewicz-Wisińska

PhD. Assistant professor in the Department of Political Science of the Krakow University of Economics. Autor of papers on political, economic and social transformation of the former USSR states, relations between the European Union and the CIS states.

Rafał Lisiakiewicz

PhD. Assistant Professor at the Krakow University of Economics. Research interests include Russia’s foreign policy, Russia’s economic relations with foreign partners, and Polish-Russian relations. His research interests also lie at the intersection of International Political Economy and Security. Author of several dozen publications on these areas.

Wojciech Zysk

Associate Professor (Prof. UEK) of the Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Habilitated Doctor of Economics (DEcon), PhD in foreign trade; specialist in FDI, Fair Trade, SRI, CSR, international entrepreneurship, e-commerce, foreign trade, European business; author and co-author of several books and over 90 scientific articles.


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