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The role of institutional support structure in shaping social entrepreneurial intention


Objective: The present study aims to investigate the role of institutional support structure in shaping intention to form a social business using the model of Mair and Noboa (2006).

Research Design & Methods: This study utilized Structural Equation Modelling with a sample of 516 students in Vietnam to examine the hypotheses.

Findings: The finding shows that institutional support structure is positively associated with empathy, social entrepreneurial self-efficacy and perceived social support. In addition, institutional support structure also increases social entrepreneurial intention through enhancing empathy, social entrepreneurial self-efficacy and perceived social support.

Implications & Recommendations: Policymakers need to develop a complete legal framework, and policies to support potential social entrepreneurs to start a business such as tax support, competitiveness, and loans... to help increase self-efficacy, empathy and perceived social support for those who wish to become social entrepreneurs.

Contribution & Value Added: This study highlight the interesting role of institutional support structure in increasing intention to form a social business. The results of this study contribute to the social entrepreneurship literature in understanding factors that lead to social entrepreneurial intention.


institutional support structure, social entrepreneurial intention, empathy, social entrepreneurial self-efficacy, perceived social support, moral obligation

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Author Biography

Le Thi Loan

PhD student in Business and Management (2020, National Economics University, Vietnam). Her research interests include entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and green consumption.


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