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City brand in the perception of inhabitants of European capitals: Linear ordering using the TOPSIS method


Objective: The objective of the article is to develop a methodology of city ranking based on the criterion of a city’s brand image among its inhabitants.

Research Design & Methods: The article discusses the utilization of the multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM) to create a ranking of European capitals. It explores the significance of the decision-making approach in establishing a linear order among 28 capital cities within the European Union. The study employs the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) for evaluation purposes. By leveraging publicly accessible indicators that gauge the perception of various aspects of a city’s brand by its residents, this method facilitates the generation of a comprehensive ranking.

Findings: The top five positions in the ranking are occupied by the following cities: Brussels, Sofia, Berlin, London and Stockholm. Ljubljana, Prague and Helsinki were ranked lowest.

Implications & Recommendations: The ranking built for the purpose of this article, has managerial implications. It can serve as a valuable re-source for territorial managers, communication experts, urban planners, and decision-makers involved in the cities’ enhancement and promotion. By utilizing this ranking, they can gain insights into the level of attractive-ness and competitiveness of different cities. Furthermore, it enables them to establish measurable strategic objectives for the development of their respective cities. This information empowers these stakeholders to make informed decisions, implement improvements, and enhance the overall value of their cities.

Contribution & Value Added: The article employed ideal solution-based multi-criteria decision-making techniques to evaluate the brand image of cities as perceived by their inhabitants. We selected seven criteria to build the ranking showing the diversity in terms of residents’ satisfaction with living in the city in the following areas: environment and recreation, refinement and diversity, municipal facilities, public services, employment opportunities, cost-effectiveness, and security.


city brand, city ranking, European capitals, linear ordering, TOPSIS method


Author Biography

Ewa Glińska

Associate Professor at Bialystok University of Technology (Poland). Habilitation in Management (2017). Her research interests include city marketing and branding, regional and local policy, destination and city Management, and innovative marketing research.

Sławomira Hajduk

Assistant professor at Bialystok University of Technology (Poland). Ph.D. in Economics (2002). Her research interests include smart city models, the performance of urban smartness, public governance, new spatial planning, and urban management.


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