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Social strategies of emerging market multinationals in developing countries: The case of Polish firms in Sub-Saharan Africa



Objective: The objective of the article is to explore the social strategies of Polish multinational enterprises (MNEs) entering Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

Research Design & Methods: We employed qualitative research methods and conducted a comparative case study of three Polish MNEs operating in SSA.

Findings: The social involvement of Polish companies in SSA is very limited. Forms of community involvement include knowledge-sharing and sporadic philanthropic activities, usually initiated by Polish stakeholders located in SSA. Polish companies engage socially because of market and relational reasons.

Implications & Recommendations: We developed a theoretical model explaining the low importance of social strategies in the activities of Polish firms in SSA. We argue that none of the companies surveyed felt strong stakeholder pressure in either the country of origin or the country of destination. We also explain the reasons for this.

Contribution & Value Added: We identified key factors shaping the social strategies of MNEs abroad and included them in a theoretical model to be tested in further research.


Poland, Sub-Saharan Africa, multinational enterprise, social strategy, stakeholder

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Author Biography

Aleksandra Wąsowska

Associate Professor, Chair of the Strategy and Leadership Department, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland. Her research interests include entrepreneurship, international management, and organizational behaviour.

Krzysztof Obłój

Full Professor, Chair of the Strategic Management Department, Kozminski University, Poland. Also a part-time professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland. Former President of the European International Business Academy, Fellow of EIBA, and member of the SMS and AIB. His research interests include strategy, entrepreneurship, and international business.


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