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An attempt to estimate the competency gap in the IT sector



Objective: The aim of this article is to determine whether there is a gap between the demand for competencies of graduates of the computer science major and their supply.

Research Design & Methods: Identification of the key set of competencies required by employers from job applicants and estimation of the competency gap in the IT sector was conducted using the method of exploratory analysis of job offers for positions related to the administration of IT systems.

Findings: The results of the preliminary research shown that proposed method can be used for estimation of competency gap however it requires more experiments.

Contribution & Value Added: Proposition of new method for competency gap calculation based on exploratory analysis of data available in the Internet.


competency, competency gap, labour market, IT sector, Latent Dirichlet Analysis


Author Biography

Paweł Lula

He obtained a doctoral degree and a habilitation degree at the Cracow University of Economics. His research interests include data analysis methods and tools, information technology, artificial intelligence, methods of web, graph and text mining.

Renata Oczkowska

She obtained a doctoral degree and a habilitation degree at the Cracow University of Economics. Her research interests include employee competencies, labour market, globalization and internationalization of enterprises.

Sylwia Wiśniewska

She obtained a doctoral degree at the Cracow University of Economics. Her research interests include employability, employee competencies, labour market and diversity management.

Katarzyna Wójcik

She obtained a master’s degree at the Cracow University of Economics. Her research interests include data mining, text mining, opinion mining, competencies analysis and widely defined data analysis.


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