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Creative entrepreneurial intention of students in Indonesia: Implementation the theory of planned behaviour



Objective: Entrepreneurship has a very important role in developing countries. Universities, especially in Indonesia, organize some entrepreneurship programs to encourage students’ intentions. But, there is no assessment that shows the significance of the influence of university programs on developing entrepreneurial intentions. The objective of this article is to assess the entrepreneurial intention among university students in Indonesia, especially the significant influence of university programs as a subjective norm, compared with the other determinants such as attitude and perceived behavioural control. This research was conducted in 2022, so that at the same time, it could be seen how the pandemic affected the intention.

Research Design & Methods: The study uses a quantitative approach that applies the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and is analyzed by the SEM PLS method. The questionnaire technique is used and delivered to 272 Indonesian students.

Findings: The digital technology and social media content, believed to be rich and giving, inspire students as a subjective norm, playing a bigger part in entrepreneurial intention than their attitude, university program, or university environment. Furthermore, attitude has little bearing on entrepreneurial intention.

Implications & Recommendations: It is recommended that the universities have to engage more with the trends of digital technology especially social media to promote entrepreneurship. The related topic that is relevant to be shared on social media such as readiness to start the business, risk taking, and giving as a positive motivation.

Contribution & Value Added: In term of theory development, the study contribute to fill the gap in science, especially research of a creative entrepreneur intention, after the pandemic, and take place in Indonesia as an added value. In practical terms, for universities, the research recommendation can be used as a reference in developing entrepreneurship programs at universities, especially in the creative field.


creative, entrepreneurship, intention, Indonesia, pandemic, TPB, SEM PLS

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Author Biography

Jarosław Korpysa

Associate Professor at the Institute of Management, The University of Szczecin (Poland). His research interests include entrepreneurship, especially academic entrepreneurship and start-ups.


Doctoral Student (Doctoral School, Institute of Management, The University of Szczecin, Poland). His research interests include entrepreneurship.


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