Entrepreneurial activities of communes in creation of competitive advantages at regional investment markets: Entrepreneurial organization model

The objective of this paper is to present entrepreneurial activities of local regions represented by communes (local regions in Poland) that enable to create competitive advantages at regional investment markets resulting in increase of local regions’ attractiveness for investors, tourists, and inhabitants. It was decided to perform multilayer research on 50 communes in Poland: electronic audit research of official website portals and Bulletins of Public Information of the communes; surveys with representatives of the communes using a structured questionnaire, mystery client research method, and case study method. 565 entrepreneurial activities of Polish communes were identified within 50 electronic audits performed, 19 mystery client method replies received, 8 surveys filled in by communes’ representatives. Identified activities were represented by communes of different type and investment resources. Basing on identified activities an entrepreneurial organization model for local regions was proposed. The model indicates activities possible to implement by local regions of different location, size, administration type, potential investment attractiveness, and investment resources. The originality of this work lies in economically practical character of the research results, which might support local public administration.
competitive advantage, competitiveness, local development, local government, public sector reform
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