Development of human capital in institutions from the Polish financial sector: Towards new technologies and agile business models

Objective: The objective of this paper is to present challenges associated with human capital development and need to be addressed in order to improve the effectiveness of implementation of new technologies and agile business models in institutions from the Polish financial sector.
Research Design & Methods: The study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative research methods: critical literature review, non-participant observation, unstructured interviews, statistical data analysis and comparative research.
Findings: It was determined how employees of the financial sector are motivated by means of remuneration and what challenges are to be addressed that are associated with implementation of new technologies and agile business models in banking institutions.
Contribution & Value Added: The needs for developing objectively verifiable criteria for assessing the success of AI projects and agile models implementation as well as a lack of knowledge about the real benefits of such projects and models resulting from small expenditures on training of employees have been identified.
human capital management, intellectual capital, cost of human capital development, labour costs, financial institutions, new technologies, agile business models
Author Biography
Tadeusz A. Grzeszczyk
Associate professor in Faculty of Management at Warsaw University of Technology, conducts scientific and didactic activity regarding IT and AI project management. His interests and research work also include methodology of management sciences and the use of AI methods in decision support.
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