Theoretical analysis of migrant motivations to entrepreneurship

This paper is formulated based on prior studies on migrant entrepreneurs while taking into account their motivation to become entrepreneurs in the host country. The analysis shows a diverse research nature of migrant entrepreneur’s motivations to engage in entrepreneurship in the host countries mostly coming from emerging markets specifically Asian countries and in particular south-east Asia, countries such as India, Bangladesh, China, Sri-Lanka, and Pakistan to settle in Australia, New Zealand, The UAE, The U.S, Canada the UK, and Germany and the Netherlands. We also found that most of their reasons for venturing in entrepreneurship were lack of job opportunities that fit their skill sets, discrimination in workplaces, skills, and ease for starting online businesses and talent to exploit business opportunities in the host country. At the end, we presented the results in form of a theoretical model, illustrating the motivational factors for migrant entrepreneurs to engage in entrepreneurship in the studied host countries.Keywords
Migrants, Migrant entrepreneurs, Migrants’ motivation, entrepreneur-ship
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