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Entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial attitudes among rural Tunisian women



Objective: The objective of the article was to assess the entrepreneurial intentions (EI) of rural women entrepreneurs of Tunisia and the factors affecting them.

Research Design & Methods: The study included a final sample of 308 women entrepreneurs belonging to rural Tunisia. Attitude towards entrepreneurship (ATE), family support (FS), subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioural control (PBC), government effectiveness (GE), and risk taking (RT) were the variables studied for their possible effects on EI. We designed a structured questionnaire was designed to collect data on the variables of interest. We used a 7-point hedonic scale to collect the opinion of a respondent regarding the selected variables. We Applied a-PLS-SEM model using smart PLS 3.2 to the collected data.

Findings: Following a basic analysis-pattern, we confirmed the validity and reliability of the model using convergent validity and discriminant validity. Assessment of data revealed average value extracted score above 0.5 with a CR score above 0.7 for the fitted model which confirmed the convergent validity and composite reliability of the model. Further, analysis of discriminant validity using the Fornell-Larcker criterion revealed a greater factor loading at the own construct of an item as compared to its value on another construct which confirmed the discriminant validity of data. Structural model analysis showed a significant effect of ATE (β=0.31, T=3.2, p<0.01), GE (β=0.22, T=3.82, p<0.01) and RT (β=0.40, T=5.44, p<0.01) on the development of entrepreneurial intentions among rural Tunisian women. PBC (β=0.08, T=1.69, p>0.05) and SN (β=0.07, T=1.20, p>0.05) showed a non-significant association with the development of EI among rural Tunisian women. Although SN was non-significantly associated with a change in the EI of the respondents, it was significantly associated with family support and was affected positively by it (β=0.29, T=3.5, p<0.01).

Implications & Recommendations: The most important step for the development of successful entrepreneurs in rural Tunisia requires government support through effective entrepreneurial policies and programmes which will not only affect the development of positive entrepreneurial intentions but also will lead to the development of a better entrepreneurial environment for rural women of Tunisia.

Contribution & Value Added: This article contributes to the available body of literature on the subject of entrepreneurial intentions. Targeting a specific population of rural women in Tunisia, the novelty of current research provides new findings about the EI of those women who are rarely studied for entrepreneurship.


entrepreneurial intentions, subjective norms, attitude, entrepreneurship, risk-taking, theory of planned behaviour

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Author Biography

Dorsaf Maayoufi

Dorsaf Maayoufi Degree: Doctor of Management and Business Administration. Her research interest include Rural Development, Rural Women, Agribusiness, Female Entrepreneurship. PhD student, Hungarian University Of Agriculture And Life Sciences (Hungary).

Emese Prihoda

Emese Prihoda Associate Professor Degree: Doctor of Management and Business Administration. Her research Interest include Poverty, Deprivation, Internal Migration, Territorial Inequalities.

Viktória Kútvölgyi

Viktória Kútvölgyi (Degree In Qualified Teacher, Head of Public Education (2019, At The Budapest University of Technology and Economics), PhD Student, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Hungary). Her Research Interests Include Health Tourism and Gastronomy.


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